#1 Write an engaging subject line

What's the first thing you see when you get an email? The sender's name, the subject line and the preheader (the first words of the letter).

Did you know that 47% open letters based on the subject line?

That makes the subject line one of the most important components of your letter.

Here's how to write a good subject line:

To improve your open rate, you need an interesting, exciting, provocative or funny subject line.

Here are some rules of thumb,
• Use fewer than 50 characters, spread over 6 to 10 words.
• Don't use "salesy" wording that might cause recipients to throw your letter in the trash.
• Use familiar language, like you emailed a friend.
• Be funny and reference popular music or movies.
• Use numbers, because they attract attention.
• Create a feeling of time pressure by e.g. time-limited campaigns.

#2 Use an enticing preheader

Preheaders are a great way to grab your recipients' attention.

A preheader is the first few lines of text in your letter and appears immediately after the subject line in the recipient's inbox.

Most mobile email readers display between 75 and 100 characters, so put extra punch in the first 5-8 words of your letter.

In the newsletter tool EditNews there is a special field for Preheader which makes it very easy to use.

#3 Good content for your target audience

On average, we spend about 51 seconds reading a newsletter. There is very little time.
Do you know how to sell your message in less than a minute?

The most important thing is that the reader should get something out of your letter.
Make sure to include educational content and focus on the needs of the readers.

If you are going to present a new product: Start by explaining the benefits, before you start listing features.

In newsletter tools such as EditNews, you can also segment the content, so that recipients receive a tailored letter based on their areas of interest or previous purchases.

#4 Use only one call-to-action

Once you've convinced your recipients to open and read your letter, it's time to call them to action!

For best effect, your letter should only contain a Call-to-action (CTA). You will probably get better results if the recipients only have one option to choose from.

Your call-to-action button must be:
• Immediate
• Beneficial to the reader
• Connect with the topic
• Authoritarian

#5 Optimize for mobile devices

About 75% delete emails that don't look good on their mobile.
Therefore, it is incredibly important that your letters look good on all devices.
• Your letter should not be wider than 600px.
• Use a large and clear font, e.g. 16px.
• Use a large call-to-action button and don't place links too close to each other. Thumb distance!
• Use optimized images to reduce loading time.